Sunday Worship –  9:00 am Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary, 11:00am The Village at Mt. Pisgah Modern Worship in the CFLC  Life Groups – 10:15 a.m in their respective rooms.

Weekly emails are sent with information about upcoming events and mission opportunities. To be added to the distribution list, click here

Food Donations Needed – Mt. Pisgah will be supporting the Belmont Community Resource Services (BCRS) Food pantry continually during the year. Last week BCRS served over 600 families, which is over double the numbers pre-pandemic. Shelf stable food is needed to supplement the fresh food provided for each Friday’s distribution. Beans, rice, pasta, canned tomato products, canned vegetables and fruit, and healthy cereals are needed most.  Please put your donations in the “Belmont Chuck Wagon” in the Gathering Room. Mission Branch deliveries to Belmont will be the first week of the month or whenever the wagon fills up. Thanks you for joining our sister UMC churches in supporting the important feeding efforts at BCRS. The food is so appreciated!

Offering Envelopes – If you would like to receive offering envelopes for 2024, requests forms are in the Narthex.  You can also contact the church office, or email  Thank you for your continued support of Mt. Pisgah ministries.

Communion Servers – Holy Communion is a deeply meaningful part of our worship experiences.  We are seeking your help with serving Communion.  If you would like to help serve your church family in this special way please sign up using the link: Communion Server Sign Up

Nursery Care Team – Our youngest need you!  We are seeking additional help in the nursery during Modern Worship (11:00 a.m. to noon).  If you can serve occasionally, alongside Miss Tami, please sign up below.  All nursery volunteers must complete a background check.

Worship Service Schedule –  We are now offering 2 worship services at 9:00am for Traditional and 11:00am for Modern.

Life Groups – The Life Groups will offer an opportunity for learning, fellowship, and new connections.  We hope you will join us as we continue to grow our faith and share our love with the community.  There will be 6 groups that meet on Sundays at 10:15 a.m. During Life Groups childcare is provided for infants and toddlers. More information is on the church website (or find it here). You can sign up for the Life Groups by clicking here.

Monday Morning Devotion & Prayer Time –  Join Pastor Michael every Monday morning at 9:00 a.m. on Facebook Live for a time of devotion and prayer.  If you can’t join us on Monday morning, you may also view the recording each week on the church Facebook page.