Mission Overview
“as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me” (Matthew 25: 40)
The Mt. Pisgah Mission Branch supports many mission projects to alleviate poverty, suffering, hunger, and homelessness. A selection of annual projects is below.
Belmont Community Resource Services (BCRS) – Volunteers help out every Friday at Belmont UMC’s non-profit Food Pantry and Clothes Closet, and the congregation and the Mission Branch help with financial donations to BCRS.
CARITAS – Mt. Pisgah yearly hosts CARITAS for a week to help our vulnerable neighbors break the cycle of homelessness and addiction.
Chesterfield Colonial Heights Alliance for Social Ministry (CCHASM) – Mt. Pisgah participates in various CCHASM activities, including donation of Thanksgiving baskets and funds. CCHASM provides food and clothing to area residents experiencing emergency situations.
Mt. Pisgah Day of Service – The Mission Branch organizes this day where the congregation goes to various locations in the area to volunteer in needed projects and community outreach for the day.
Friends of the Homeless – The Mission Branch volunteers with and helps fund this project to feed the homeless in the Richmond area. Mt. Pisgah joins other area churches to provide hot meals once per month.
Habitat for Humanity – Mt. Pisgah sends volunteers once per year to help build a Habitat house for a family who cannot afford good housing.
International Missionary – Mt. Pisgah helps financially support an international missionary.
PACE Center – Mt. Pisgah helps financially support this United Methodist campus ministry at VCU.
Prison Ministry – Mission Branch and congregation members volunteer for Epiphany Ministries to provide Bible Study and services for incarcerated youth.
Red Bird Mission – Congregation volunteers go to the Red Bird Mission in Kentucky to help with building and home repair projects. Mt. Pisgah also hosts the Red Bird Craft Fair.
Rise Against Hunger – Mt. Pisgah bi-annually holds a meal packing event where thousands of dried meals are bagged for national and international distribution.
Shalom Farms – Mt. Pisgah sends volunteers and funds to support this farm that provides produce to many areas in the Richmond area, including BCRS (see above).
Shepherd’s Center – Mt. Pisgah provides volunteers and funds to support this organization that encourages older adults to stay active and independent through enrichment services and volunteer services to their peers.
United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) – Mt. Pisgah sends funds and donations at various times of the year to various UMCOR missions. The congregation, Mission Branch, and United Methodist Women donate relief kits for health, birthing, layette, and school supplies each year for areas of the world in most need. Mt. Pisgah also sends funds and donations for UMCOR disaster relief around the US and world each year as needed.
Youth Missions – The Mission Branch helps to support Youth Missions where youth help others with repairs, maintenance, and vacation Bible schools.
Walk to Emmaus – The Mission Branch helps to financially sponsor and support congregation members who wish to attend the Walk to Emmaus weekends.
The Mission Branch is always in need of more members, volunteers, and funds, so we welcome anyone who is interested in helping others. Please join us!