Richmond Concert Band
The Richmond Concert Band, formed in 1971 and over 100 musicians strong, will present a Christmas Concert at 7:00 pm in the Christian Family Life Center on Tuesday, December 3.
Angel Breakfast
You are invited to join us Saturday, December 7, starting at 9:00 am in the Christian Family Life Center for breakfast and fellowship. This breakfast is open to our entire congregation as well as the larger community! An all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast will be served continuously until 10:30 am. There will be a puppet show at 9:40 am followed by crafts and games for children. Adults will have an opportunity for table fellowship and to write a Christmas note to a soldier. Advance tickets are required and are available from the church office. Tickets are $5/person (age 4 and up).
Christmas Concert
Come along and enjoy festive music with performances from our children, youth, and adult music ministries on Sunday, December 15, at 2:00 pm in the Sanctuary. Sit back and enjoy this special time of year with new music and old favorites!